Thursday, November 6, 2008

Grab your ankles

I just heard that next year the taxes in California are going to go up to 30%! What the fuck?!? That's like the taxes in Europe!!! So let me get this straight- people who DIDN'T DO ANYTHING to earn their money are now going to get a break?!? This is such bullshit. My standard of living is going to utterly change now thanks to Obama. Thanks a lot, prez.


Nick said...

Actually, I think taxes are going up in California because it is bankrupt. States do not have the same luxury as the Feds to go into debt year after year; all states must have a balanced budget by the end of the fiscal year. California is increasing state taxes because it needs to increase its revenue. If you're going to blame anything regarding a tax hike in California, blame the voters who constantly vote for government measures (i.e. building parks, etc.) and tax breaks that the state simply cannot afford.

Nate Temple said...

Well then, good to know... still gonna grab my ankles though...