Monday, June 23, 2008

America: From land of the free, to land of lost liberties and ignorance.

Alright, so read this article in the link. And then come back here for the commentary below.

Finger printing coming in, now they want it when you leave.

What, exactly, is this going to accomplish? Does the TSA have access to Bin Laden's fingerprints?

So, let's speak hypothetically here. A "terrorist" boards a plane with the intention of flying it into a building. This terrorist doesn't have a record, so collecting said terrorists fingerprints is simply a "precautionary" measure. MK Ultra and PsyOps haven't had much success, so we can't read people's minds, yet. Now, the terrorist succeeds in highjacking the plane and flies it into a building. What, exactly, do you do with the then-and-now worthless fingerprints you collected before the unknown terrorist was allowed to board the plane? Wait to use them during the zombie revolution?

This act by itself is meaningless. All of this is just a convoluted series of nonsensical maneouvers that will, one day, allow the government to pass legislation allowing them to stop any citizen on the street, ID and fingerprint them, and then ransack their person and home without a warrant. Paranoiac? Just you watch. You don't win at chess by exposing all your moves in the beginning. Well Terrorists, you guys really did just totally kick our asses in the war on terrorism.

Move along, citizen. Nothing to see here.

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